About Alloverse

Our Mission

Our vision is one of a world where the internet is non-proprietary and offers universal access to the metaverse. Our mission is to lay the foundation for the future of the “3D internet” by building an open infrastructure for collaborative apps in VR.

We are a distributed company built by former entrepreneurs and operators, hence we understand the struggle it can be to feel like your work has no impact even more so when you sacrifice your precious free time for it. We’re committed to building a team that leads a healthy life because people always come first for the product to shine.

To convey our vision through our mission, we have a set of values we live by and embrace. They give us guidelines on how to behave, help us describe the type of behaviour we expect from people joining our adventure. Those values set a framework for distributed decision making – list you can find on our blog.

Our ultimate wish is to build something so great that lots of developers love building on it; and submitting to standards organizations and them accepting us as an international standard; and then what we’ve built gets to shape the next 50 years of the internet in a more inclusive fashion than it would’ve done without us. then, it doesn’t matter if us as an org exists; we’ve created lasting good that is owned by the world.

Team, Community & Technology is what we care about – in that exact order.

Thanks to our vision, we actively devote time to support 5 different UN Goals for the 2030 Agenda.


Our Story

The idea of Alloverse started in 2018 when Nevyn created a facebook group “VR the People (VR Hack nights)” – immersed in the tech industry by working for Spotify and later, creating Lookback, the future of the internet being 3D, immersive and collaborative became clear. Joining forces with Tobias Kask, Julie Despraz, Patrik Sjöberg and Emma Koszinowski, Nevyn incorporated Alloverse in January 2020.

Today, Alloverse is in Beta stage, built on Lövr.org with Elixir, Lua and working on Python and JS.

The Alloverse open source project is supported by skilled, enthusiastic developers, designers, educators, bloggers, and more. Alloverse provides the opportunity for anyone to create and share VR experiences. People with a limited tech experience can use it “out of the box”, and more tech-savvy folks can customize it in remarkable ways.